Types of Stimming Infographic

I’ve been working on this one for a while, but I finally finished it – an infographic!

We learned how to make these in class this semester, and I really wanted to try to make one for the website.

All the information from this is from my post about a Stim Toys and Fidget Workshop I hosted a couple of years ago. I also have a printable .pdf file that has resources for where to find things and a short overview of the post as well. You can find that here: Stim Toys and Fidgets Workshop

Types of Stimming


Image description:

Purple and light purple infographic that says: “Just Keep Stimming: Guide to Types of Stimming”

VISUAL [icon of sunglasses]

Visual stimming involves vision and sight.
Examples include:
– Kaleidoscopes, lava lamps, glitter jars, glow sticks
– Fidget spinners, I-Spy Tubes, anything with movement
– Those “satisfying” videos of kinetic sand and painting.

Those who struggle with visual input may wear sunglasses or tinted glasses indoors.


AUDITORY [icon of headphones]

Auditory stimming involves hearing and sound.
Verbal stimming (such as echolalia) is sometimes included here.

Examples include:
– Clicking pens, pop tubes, fidgets that click, rice/beans in a can
– Repetitive music, ambient noises, music boxes, singing

Those who are auditory-defensive may use noise-canceling headphones or earplugs.


TACTILE [icon of fingerprint]

Tactile stimming involves feel and touch.

Examples include:
– Tangles, fidget cubes, tapping, bubble wrap, spinner rings
– Soft objects (fluffy socks, stuffed animal), slime, playdough, silly putty
– Koosh balls, ‘picking’ toys (helpful for derma/trich), water beads, and more!

Some people with sensory sensitivities require tags cut out of clothing or avoid certain textures.


TASTE/ORAL [icon of peppermint candy]

Taste/oral stimming involves the mouth – including teeth, cheeks, and tongue.

Examples include:
– Biting, licking, or sucking (chewing on objects such as shirts, pen caps, and hands)
– Alternatives: chewing on chewable jewelry/specialized objects specifically for chewing.
– Hard candy and other food can be helpful for grounding (peppermint)

Some people may be adverse to certain food textures and tastes due to sensory issues.


SMELL/OLFACTORY [icon of candle]

Smell/olfactory stimming involves the nose and scent.

Examples include:
– Sniffing clean laundry, food, essential oils/aromatherapy
– Diffusers, soaps, candles, air fresheners

Many people can have migraines or negative health reactions to strong smells.


VESTIBULAR [icon of swing]

Vestibular stimming involves movement and balance.

Examples include:
– Swinging, spinning, rocking – movement and motion
– Ideas: Crash pads, swings, jump rope, balancing boards

Some people who struggle with vestibular input may have trouble balancing or seem “uncoordinated.”


PROPRIOCEPTIVE [icon of person]

Proprioceptive stimming involves weight and awareness of your body in space.
This ties in with interoception too – which tells you when you’re hungry, thirsty, etc.

Examples include:
– Weighted blankets, weighted wraps, bean bags, heavy toys
– Pressure ‘body socks’, compression vests, weighted vests

People who struggle with proprioception may have trouble sensing their body – including interoception.

The bottom of the infographic says www.justkeepstimming.com ]

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